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Home » Screen Printing

Custom Screen Printing

Screen printing uses a screen cut-out plate and printing material, using a squeegee to get the graphics.

Printing is done by filling one end of the screen printing plate with ink, applying pressure to the ink area with a squeegee while moving evenly towards the other end of the screen, and the ink is squeezed from the mesh holes onto the printed object.

The advantages of screen printing are that the screen can be attached to various shapes of objects, so it is possible to print on curved surfaces, and that screen printing can use a variety of inks and paint mixes, for example light resistant pigments can be mixed into the ink, giving the screen printed product a great advantage in terms of light resistance.

Screen printing is widely used because of its extreme adaptability. Text decorations on surfaces like clothes, shoes, electrical appliances, ceramics, glass and floor tiles are almost always screen printed. And in the field of packaging, screen printing is commonly used for high-grade packaging boxes and bottles, like holiday gift boxes, cigarette boxes and wine boxes.Screen printing includes flat screen printing, cylindrical screen printing, oval screen printing, high volume automatic screen printing & taper screen printing. Multi-color printing can also be performed by changing screens & re-registering parts to be decorated. High volume screen printing capacity is printing up to three colors at a rate of 3000 pieces per hour with labeling. Wonder Plastic is a Lean manufacturing capable custom manufacturer of screen printing. No matter what you’re looking for, we can accommodate nearly any specifications to deliver the plastic film or bags that best suits your application.

What Is Screen Printing

Transcription printing is the simplest form of perforated printing and began in the late 19th century. This type of printing is done on specially made wax paper, which is made into a wax paper graphic plate by means of a typewriter or an iron pen, on which the wax paper plate is printed with an ink roller, and the desired printing effect is obtained on the substrate. In hole plate printing, the most widely used is screen printing.

Screen printing is the silk fabric, synthetic fabric or metal screen taut on the screen frame, the use of hand engraved lacquer film or photochemical plate making methods to produce screen printing plates. Modern screen printing technology, is the use of light-sensitive materials through the photographic plate making method to produce screen printing plates (so that the screen printing plate on the graphic part of the screen hole for the through-hole, while the non-graphic part of the screen hole is blocked) oil paintings, prints, posters, business cards, framed covers, commodity packaging, commodity signs, printed and dyed textiles, glass and metal, and other flat carriers.

Screen printing refers to the use of a screen as a plate base and the production of a screen printing plate with graphics by means of photographic plate making. Screen printing consists of five main elements: the screen printing plate, the squeegee, the ink, the printing table and the substrate. Screen printing is carried out using the basic principle that the graphic part of the screen plate is permeable to ink and the non-graphic part of the screen is not permeable to ink. The ink is poured into the screen plate at one end of the printing process, and the squeegee is used to apply a certain pressure to the ink part of the screen plate, while moving at a constant speed towards the other end of the screen plate, and the ink is squeezed from the screen holes of the graphic part to the substrate in the movement.

The Plate Making Methods Of Screen Printing

Direct Plate Making Method

  • Plate Making Method: The method of direct plate making is in the plate making first coated with photosensitive material wrist film base photosensitive film face up flat on the workbench surface, the taut wrist screen frame flat on the film base, and then in the frame into the photosensitive paste and soft squeegee pressure coating, after drying fully uncovered plastic film base, attached to the photosensitive film wrist screen can be used for sunburning, by the development, drying on the production of screen printing screen plate.
  • Process Flow: has been taut screen – degreasing – drying – stripping the film base – exposure –Developing – Drying – Repairing – Sealing

Indirect Plate Making Method

Indirect plate making is the way the indirect film is first exposed, hardened with 1.2% H2O2 and then developed with warm water, dried and made into a peelable graphic negative, plate making will be the graphic negative film surface and taut screen, by squeezing the film and wet screen paste solid, uncover the film base, dry with the wind to make screen printing plate. Process flow.

  • It has been taut screen – degreasing – drying
  • Indirect film – exposure – hardening – development1and2 – lamination – blowing dry – plate repair – sealing the network
  • Straight between the mixed plate making method: the first photopolymer layer of water, alcohol or photopolymer sticky on the screen frame, after hot air drying, remove the photographic film base, and then the sun, the development process is made into a screen plate.
The Advantages Of Screen Printing
  • Not subject to the size and shape of the substrate: general printing, only on a flat surface, and screen printing can not only be printed on a flat surface can also be printed on special shapes such as spherical surfaces on the surface, there are shapes of things can be screen printed to carry out.
  • Soft printing pressure on the plate is small, and the screen is soft and flexible.
  • Strong ink coverage, pure white printing on all black paper, strong three-dimensional sense.
  • Suitable for all types of inks
  • High spin resistance. The gloss of the print remains unchanged. (Neither temperature nor sunlight has any effect). This makes it possible to print some self-adhesives without additional processes such as laminating.
  • Flexible and varied printing methods
  • Easy plate making, cheap and easy to master technology
  • Strong adhesion
  • Can be screen printed by hand or by machine
  • Suitable for long-term display and expressive outdoor advertising
The Distinguishing And Features Of Screen Printing

Printing Adaptability

Plain printing, letterpress and gravure printing are the three main printing methods that can only be printed on flat substrates. Screen printing can not only be printed on flat surfaces, but also on curved, spherical and concave/convex substrates. On the other hand, screen printing is not only possible on hard objects, but also on soft objects, regardless of the texture of the substrate. In addition to direct printing, screen printing can also be used as an indirect method of printing, i.e. screen printing on gelatine or silicone plates and then transferring to the substrate as required. It can therefore be said that screen printing is highly adaptable and has a wide range of applications.

The Strong Sense Of Three-Dimensionality

The ink layer thickness of offset and letterpress printing is generally 5 microns, gravure printing is about 12 microns, flexo (aniline) printing has an ink layer thickness of 10 microns, while the ink layer thickness of screen printing far exceeds the above ink layer thickness, generally up to about 30 microns. Specialised printed circuit boards with thick screen printing, ink layer thickness can be up to 1000 microns. Braille printing with foaming ink, the thickness of the ink layer after foaming up to 1300 microns. Screen printing ink layer thick, rich texture of the print, three-dimensional sense, which is other printing methods can not be compared. Screen printing can not only be done in monochrome, but also in colour with overlay and screening.

High Lightfastness

As screen printing has the characteristic of leakage printing, it can use all kinds of inks and paints, not only pastes, bonding agents and various pigments, but also coarse-grained pigments. In addition to this, screen printing inks are easy to mix, for example, light resistant pigments can be put directly into the ink, which is another major feature of screen printing. Screen printing products have the great advantage of being light resistant. Practice has shown that, according to the maximum density range measured by using black ink on coated paper after a single impression, offset printing is 1.4, letterpress printing is 1.6, gravure printing is 1.8, while the maximum density range for screen printing is up to 2.0. Therefore, screen printing products are more light resistant than other types of printing products and are more suitable for outdoor advertising and signage.

Large Printing Area

General offset printing, letterpress printing and other printing methods printed area size is the maximum size of the full sheet, more than the full size, it is limited by mechanical equipment. And screen printing can be printed on a large area, today’s screen printing products up to 3 m x 4 m, or even larger. The above four points are the difference between screen printing and other printing, but also the characteristics and advantages of screen printing. Understanding the characteristics of screen printing, in the selection of printing methods, you can take advantage of the strengths and avoid the weaknesses, highlighting the advantages of screen printing, in order to achieve more desirable printing results.
Hand Screen Printing And Mechanical Screen Printing

Manual printing means that from the renewal of the paper to the receipt of the paper, the printing plate is moved up and down, and the scraper is scraped and printed by hand.

Mechanical printing refers to the printing process is completed by mechanical action. Which is divided into semi-automatic and fully automatic printing, semi-automatic refers to the substrate into and out of the manual operation, printing by mechanical completion; fully automatic refers to the entire printing process are completed by machinery.

There is also a fast and simple curved screen printing screen printing method live surface screen printing, that is, the screen layout is removed directly on the substrate surface for printing. Using the live surface screen printing method, a large number of processing prints can be printed, such as latex plastic buckets, pure water buckets, washbasins, hot water bottles, cups, bowls, plates and other products. At the same time using this method can be printed on cars with sign characters, and also on shaped planes.

The production of a live surface screen plate: first dry and repair the photographic version of the text sensitively, then take it off and cut it to size. And in the two ends of the screen plate with wood or aluminium, etc. as a skeleton with adhesive tape tightly fixed, but also can be used to sticky glue directly fixed, so that the required live surface screen plate can be made. Live surface screen operation method: according to the substrate selection of different printing materials for deployment: first of all, the choice of plate and plate, the ink will be deployed, then, one person holding a live surface screen plate with both hands, the printed part of the substrate tightly on the surface, the other person with a squeegee in the ink transfer board evenly dipped in the squeegee on the mouth surface, then, the squeegee in the ink transfer board evenly placed on the page for uniform scraping.

If the printed graphic area is too large, the ink can be poured on the layout according to the situation, but do not let the ink flow out of the substrate. Note that the deployment of the ink is not too thin, not too dry, dry and wet is good. Small area printing, printing, can be operated by one person, the method is to live surface version of one end with packaging tape on the substrate machine required position, and then, with the other hand to pull the printing plate tightly against the substrate, you can carry out printing. Start note: must be according to the direction of the sticky tape end of the lighter start, if two people operate the start of the plate advertising is also the same, using this method of printing, with easy to operate, the requirements of the substrate flexible, can be large can be small, the number can be more or less, with the advantages of low cost energy savings.

The Application Of Screen Printing

Screen printing is not only adapted to general paper printing, but also to a very wide range of adaptations. Examples include ceramics, glass, printed circuit boards, etc. Depending on the texture of the substrate, the printing is different, although there is an inseparable intrinsic link between the various series, but because the substrate material is different (i.e. different chemical and physical properties), each has its own special characteristics. Therefore, people are usually divided into different substrates: paper printing, plastic printing, ceramic printing, glass printing, circuit board printing, metal printing, textile printing and other major categories. This creates a relatively independent printing system of its own. Screen printing, as a wide range of applications, can be divided according to the different substrates: fabric printing, plastic printing, metal printing, ceramic printing, glass printing, electronic product printing, lottery screen printing, electric decorative advertising board screen printing, metal advertising board screen printing, stainless steel products screen printing, light reflective body screen printing, screen transfer printing electrochemical aluminium, screen printing prints and lacquer screen printing, etc.

Fabric Printing

Fabric printing is the process of forming a pattern on fabric by printing. Printing methods are: type plate printing, screen printing, roller type circular mesh printing, transfer printing and multi-colour drenching printing methods, among which screen printing comes from type plate printing (including type paper plate and zinc plate), started by manual operation, gradually towards semi-automatic, fully automated, and later flat and mesh type development to circular mesh type.

Paint Direct Printing

Paint direct printing is the modulation of the printing paste directly printed on the fabric, which is the most simple and commonly used process in the printing process. The direct paint printing process generally refers to printing on white or light coloured fabrics, it is easy to colour block, simple process and can be used on a variety of textile fibres after printing by baking. The direct paint printing process can be divided into Akramin F binders according to the binder often used. Acrylic binder, butyl emulsion and crustacean binder three direct printing process.

Silk Printing

The main methods of silk printing are direct printing, pluck printing and anti-dye printing. The direct printing method has already been introduced, the pulling and dyeing printing method, as well as the transfer printing method and the infiltration printing method will be introduced separately in the relevant sub-sections later, here mainly to introduce the anti-dyeing printing method.

Knitted Lingerie Printing

Knitted lingerie printing is mainly applied to the coating direct printing process, fabric printing by times baked or natural drying can be, avoid the wet treatment of knitted fabrics easy to deformation and agricultural piece of wet processing difficulties and other issues. Printing method to flat screen screen printing, and divided into manual scraping printing and machine operation two ways. This printing method can adapt to various forms of composition and organisation of pattern patterns, and suitable for small quantities of multi-colour production needs.

Drawn And Dyed Printing

Dyeing printing, also known as carving printing, refers to the use of dyeing agents printed on coloured fabrics, the pigment has been dyed part of the destruction, and thus obtain a variety of patterns, patterns of printing method. The dyeing agent is a chemical that can make the dyed base decolourised. Hanging white decision, stannous chloride, etc. This method can be divided into two types: white patterns (plucking white) and coloured patterns (plucking printing). The latter dyeing method makes the fabric pattern fine, but the process is complicated and the cost is higher.

Special Printing

In addition to the above ten common printing methods, there are also some special printing methods, such as: aluminum transfer printing, photoluminescent printing, fluorescent printing, gold, silver powder printing, coating foam printing, colour change printing, fragrance printing, diamond printing and pearl printing and other printing methods.

Silk Screen Printing

The rotten flower system uses two different acid-resistant fibre blends, and after acid rotten pulp printing and chemical processing, the acid-resistant natural fibre part is rotted away to reveal the acid-resistant chemical fibre part, forming a crystal-clear flower pattern, and its special style makes the rotten flower products have a sense of high-grade splendour. The rotten flower products are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have excellent internal quality, wear resistance, high strength, good washability, quick drying and non-iron performance, which are welcomed by domestic and international markets. The research and application of rotten flower technology is prevalent in the textile printing and dyeing industry.

Woolen Fabric Printing

Printed woollen fabrics are mainly thin plain fabrics or muslin fabrics, mostly used to make women’s shirts, dresses, quilts and skirts. Woolen fabric printing in addition to the use of direct printing, there are plucking, anti-printing and transfer printing. Wool blended fabric printing also occupies a certain proportion, the relief finishing of wool fabric is also quite popular, mainly used for coarse wool jumpers.

Flat Velvet Printing

Diamond printing uses the characteristics of silk screen printing on plain velvet to obtain a special shimmering effect, which can give off a natural diamond-like glow when exposed to daylight.

Foam Printing

There are many different types of fabric speciality printing and foam printing is one of them. Foam printing is characterised by a strong three-dimensional feel, similar to artificial embroidery, soft hand, wear-resistant, wash-resistant, good fastness, elasticity, and can be widely used in tablecloths, curtains, tea towels, handkerchiefs, pillowcases, clothing, travel souvenirs and so on. It can be applied not only on natural fabrics such as cotton, linen and silk, but also on man-made fabrics.

Flocking Printing

Electrostatic flocking is a new technology that is emerging in the textile industry. It is a product that uses a high voltage electrostatic field to plant short fibres on top of a blank fabric. Flocked products are simple, three-dimensional and low cost, so they are widely used on rubber, plastic, artificial leather and decorative products, especially for small quantities of travel products, showing its incomparable superiority. The use of flocking patterns on shoes, hats, children’s clothing, logos and apparel will give them a distinctive look.

Transfer Printing

Transfer printing is a printing process that relies on the sublimation of the dye and the diffusion and affinity of the dye vapour to the fibres to complete the colouring effect. Transfer printing is one of the more practical methods of dyeing and printing production in a waterless process. In addition to the fact that no water is used, one of the main features is that the paper has little distortion and can therefore be printed with fine, multi-layered patterns and photographic images. The pattern pictures are transferred realistically to the cloth. The results are sometimes better than normal anti and plucked dyeing prints.

About Us

Chaozhou Wonder Plastic Inc is a professional company dedicated to the research and development, production and sales of industrial packaging plastic bags and food packaging plastic bags. Established in 2002, the company is located in the new area of Anbu Town, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation.

Wonder Plastic has a professional management elite team with a group of high quality talents in R&D, production, quality management and marketing. Since its inception, Wonder Plastic has become a reliable partner for new and old friends in the industry. The company's plastic bags are made of PP, PE, PO, OPP, PPE, CPE, PVC, POF and other materials. Our products are widely used in many fields such as hardware, plastic, toys, crafts, electronics, garments, ornaments, materials, chemicals, textiles, etc. We can design and produce all kinds of packaging bags according to customers' requirements.

The company's existing plant area of nearly 8000 square meters, the existing equipment: 15 sets of film blowing machine, 22 sets of bag cutting machine, offset printing machine 5 sets, eight-colour computer high-speed copper printing machine 1 set, high-frequency wave voltage machine 20 sets, punching machine 4 sets, these equipment can be made for you to produce a variety of industrial packaging plastic bags, a one-stop production to reduce production costs, exquisite printing is the icing on the cake for your products!

Quality is the basis of our factory, quality and reasonable price make us stand in the fierce competition today, the company to high-quality products to meet the promise, to quality in return for care. We warmly welcome your visit and guidance!

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